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Algorithm Showdown: Bootstrap

The typical bootstrap involves drawing a random sample of the data and re-computing your summary statistic. This can be a slow process (even Stata's built-in bootstrap can be slow). While in many situations this is the only way to bootstrap your data, the Bayesian bootstrap (Rubin, 1981) is much more efficient (computationally) and works in most common scenarios:

  • Draw iid Dirichlet weights (one for each observation).

  • Recompute statistic, weighted.

That's it! (Added bonus: Since all observations are kept, just re-weighted, it's also more stable for e.g. regressions, as no variables can unexpectedly drop due to collinearity.) Let's look at a concrete example; the built-in command takes about a minute here:

set seed 1
set rmsg on
set obs 1000000
gen x = rnormal() * 2
gen y = x + rnormal() * 10
bootstrap, reps(100): reg y x

                 |   Observed   Bootstrap
               y | coefficient  std. err.
    -------------+----------------------- ...
               x |   .9925311   .0050175
           _cons |  -.0151513   .0087632

The Bayesian bootstrap runs in 20s (3x as fast)!

mata b = J(100, 2, .)
tempvar weight
qui gen `weight' = .
qui forvalues b = 1 / 100 {
    replace `weight' = rgamma(1, 1)
    sum `weight', meanonly
    replace `weight' = `weight' / r(sum)
    reg y x [pw = `weight']
    mata b[`b', .] = st_matrix("e(b)")
mata diagonal(sqrt(variance(b)))'

                  1             2
   1 |  .0048730429   .0093159813  |